NAMEPA’s Safety at Sea Seminar Agenda Spotlights Safety and Security USCG’s AMVER Awards Presented by Vice Commandant Poulin
WASHINGTON, DC, May 4 - NAMEPA (North American Marine Environment Protection Association) announced the agenda for its annual Safety at Sea Seminar, an in-person event at The AGU Conference Center in Washington DC, on Thursday, May 18th beginning at 1:30EDT. Key topic areas will be the “Mechanics of Safety” and “Implications of Change on Safety.”
RDML Wayne Arguin of the United States Coast Guard will outline what the Coast Guard’s safety priorities are, especially in light of the recently issued Port State Control results for 2022, which reflected an increase in detentions. This will be followed by a session moderated by Scorpio Group’s Ole Chr. Schroder on the “Mechanics of Safety” with ABS’ Richard Delpizzo delving into the safety of future fuels, Cynthia Hudson (CEO of HudsonAnalytix) explaining the critical importance of safety on the high seas, finishing with Blank Rome’s Bill Bennett who will provide updates on regulatory safety.
The second session will address the implications of accelerated change on the industry, leading with renowned security expert, Rich Mason, providing a perspective on the centrality of maritime security in today’s turbulent times, followed by Doug Martin’s overview on the role of OPA 90 on safety, with CLIA’s Jen Williams sharing action steps being taken to recruit and train mariners, ending with the Reverend Paul Rosenblum, President of the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA)sharing updates on mariner welfare.
The American Club’s Joe Hughes- Chairman of NAMEPA and INTERMEPA will chair the seminar with Diana Shipping’s CEO Semiramis Paliou- Chairman of HELMEPA and Vice Chairman of INTERMEPA- creating the bridge between the Safety Seminar and this year’s AMVER Award presentations for industry voluntarism and commitment to Safety at Sea. Vice Commandant Steven Poulin of the United States Coast Guard will be this year’s presenter of the awards which will be followed by a reception.
For more information, or to register, please go to 2023 Safety at Sea Seminar & AMVER Awards - NAMEPA
Sponsors of the event to date include ABS, The American Club, Blank Rome, CLIA, Dorian LPG, Fairfield Chemical Carriers, HudsonAnalytix, International Seaways, Navios Maritime Partners L.P., OPA 90 Forum, The Pasha Group, Port Everglades, Scorpio Group, and Tidewater.
The North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) is a marine industry-led organization of environmental stewards preserving the marine environment by promoting sustainable marine industry best practices and educating seafarers, students and the public about the need and strategies for protecting global ocean, lake and river resources. Visit us at:
Featured Photo: Joe Hughes, NAMEPA Chairman

Nearly 500 Vessels being Recognized by the USCG for their Voluntary Participation in AMVER Focus on Safety at Sea reaches New Imperative

WESTON, CT - May 10, 2023- Nearly 500 vessels from 141 US-based shipping entities will be recognized next week at the North American Marine Environment Protection Association’s (NAMEPA) annual Safety at Sea and AMVER recognition event being held at the AGU Conference Center in Washington DC on Thursday May 18th, announced Carleen Lyden Walker, Co-Founder and CEO of NAMEPA.
NAMEPA’s Safety at Sea program will feature an opening address from RDML Wayne Arguin, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, who will outline what the USCG considers its chief priorities on safety. This will be followed by an in-depth look at the Mechanics of Safety, moderated by Scorpio Group’s Ole Chr. Schroeder, with presentations on “Safety and Decarbonization” delivered by Richard Delpizzo of ABS, “Importance of a Safety Culture” as seen by Cynthia Hudson of HudsonAnalytix, with Blank Rome’s Bill Bennett addressing “Updates on the Regulatory Aspects of Safety”. After a brief break, proceedings will resume looking at the Implications of Change on Safety led by Rich Mason of Critical Infrastructure presenting on “The Centrality of Maritime Security”, followed by SMIT Americas President, Doug Martin discussing “OPA 90’s role in Safety”. CLIA’s Jennifer Williams will address “Action on Workforce Development and Training” and the Reverend Paul Rosenblum of NAMMA delivering an update on mariner welfare.
Presenters will be joined by The American Club’s Joe Hughes- Chairman of NAMEPA and INTERMEPA- along with Diana Shipping’s CEO Semiramis Paliou- Chairman of HELMEPA and Vice Chairman of INTERMEPA- as they along with industry colleagues participate in the discussion of “Safety at Sea” in these pivotal times.
A major element of the event is the presentation of the AMVER Awards by Vice Commandant Steven Poulin for industry voluntarism and commitment to Safety at Sea to the recipients present. This year, nearly 500 vessels from 141 entities are enrolled in the program and expected to be present for the event.
Sponsors of the event include American Bureau of Shipping, Alaska Chadux Network, The American Club, Blank Rome, CLIA, Dorian LPG, Fairfield Chemical Carriers, HudsonAnalytix, International Seaways, OPA 90 Forum, The Pasha Group, Port Everglades, Scorpio Group, and Tidewater.
For more information, or to register, please go to 2023 Safety at Sea Seminar & AMVER Awards - NAMEPA
Featured Photo: Vice Commandant Steven Poulin, USCG
Latest Report Details Optimization Pathways to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
HOUSTON- May 11, 2023 - The Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (BSMC) in conjunction with the Vanderbilt University Climate Change Initiative has released a new report today which highlights the identified pathways and approaches to optimize technologies and operations to accelerate GHG emissions reductions in the maritime sector.
“Energy efficiency measures combined with digital innovation to drive vessel optimization will continue to serve as a central component to any decarbonization strategy,” said David Cummins, BSMC President and CEO. “By applying various energy efficiency measures already available in the market today, we can have a significant impact on fuel usage, ultimately reducing vessel emissions.”
This final report in a series of three position papers builds on previous reports which examined fuels and propulsion systems and vessel-specific emission profiles. It provides a detailed assessment of the operational, technological and digitalization trends which will drive emissions reduction in the maritime industry in both the short and long term. The report spotlights the main technologies and techniques that can be applied for optimized vessel operations including, hull optimization approaches, addition of waste heat recovery systems, speed and routing optimization and the application of digitalization and advanced technologies.
“We were pleased to work with our partners at Vanderbilt University to deliver the final report in our series of position papers which helps to further inform and drive industry action around decarbonization in the North American maritime industry. Bringing this information together is key to building collaboration and trust among our stakeholders and helps chart a path forward together,” continued Cummins.
To read more, download a copy of the report by clicking here. For more information contact
About Blue Sky Maritime Coalition
Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (the Coalition) a non-profit corporation, is a strategic alliance formed to accelerate the transition of waterborne transportation in Canada and the United States toward net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Coalition brings together industry, community, government, academic leadership and other stakeholders across the waterborne transportation value chain to action projects that remove barriers to accelerating development, encourage innovation, and promote policies in support of zero emissions. Learn more at
David Cummins
Blue Sky Maritime Coalition
President and CEO

American P&I Club Re-Certifies in NAMEPA’s Maritime Sustainability Passport, Demonstrating Commitment to ESG Practices

WESTON, CT - May 30, 2023- The North American Marine Environment Protection Association’s (NAMEPA) “Maritime Sustainability Passport” (MSP) Certificate and Seal has once again been awarded to the American P&I Club, (AP&IC) announced Carleen Lyden Walker, Co-Founder and CEO of NAMEPA. The American Club successfully met the program's requirements and received their MSP Certificate and Seal, indicating their dedication to the marine environment. The program encompasses each of NAMEPA’s Transparency Pillars in its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics and AP&IC has demonstrated strong compliance with these pillars.
“Sustainability principles connected to Environmental, Social, and Governance goals have always been strategically embedded in the core purpose and processes of the American P&I Club as a mutual not-for-profit marine insurer, through its Managers, Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., in all operational, departmental and service policies and procedures,” remarked Dorothea Ioannou, CEO of the Shipowner’s Claims Bureau,” Partnering with industry stakeholders such as NAMEPA through their Maritime Sustainability Passport certification process once again in 2023 enhances our visibility in this arena, reflects the significance we place on accountability, and confirms our continuing commitment to these goals.”
In a show of commitment to the maritime environment, AP&IC publishes a yearly sustainability report that is available to the public, allowing their environmental, social and governance efforts to be viewed from all angles. In doing so, they demonstrate admirable transparency in their practices and show beyond all doubt that their commitment is part of their company’s ethos. Furthermore, The American Club has proven that their dedication is not just spoken but tangible, aligning them even further with NAMEPA’s mission to promote industry best practices and to Save Our Seas.
The American Club has again successfully passed NAMEPA’s MSP program and requalified for the MSP Seal, signifying they met or exceeded the program’s guidelines of best practices using ESG principles. Some of the program’s many benefits include increased efficiency, stakeholder visibility, and positive global impact.
The Maritime Sustainability Passport (MSP) Program was developed by the North American Marine Environment Protection Association and ESGplus LLC as an innovative ESG assessment tool tailored specifically for the maritime industry. Launched in June 2020, the tool enables companies, associations, educators, and individuals in the industry to evaluate their adherence to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Covering all three elements of sustainability, the program encompasses Six Transparency Pillars: Waste Management, GHG Emissions, Education, Technology, Social, and Governance.
In 2021, NAMEPA’s MSP program was awarded the 2021 Green4Sea Initiative Award. The Green4Sea award is given to an organization that has sparked, realized, or significantly contributed to a specific initiative toward greener shipping. NAMEPA is extremely proud of its contribution to the maritime industry with its MSP program being the first known standards program specifically structured for the Maritime Industry.
To learn more about NAMEPA’s MSP Program, visit NAMEPA’s MSP Program or email with any relevant questions. Currently, the program is offered to NAMEPA members at no cost to qualify for the Maritime Sustainability Passport and receive the MSP seal. Non-members are welcome to apply to participate at a cost of $5,000 or become NAMEPA members and have the fee waived. To protect the proprietary information of the qualifying companies, NAMEPA offers a non-disclosure agreement.
The North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) is a marine industry-led organization of environmental stewards preserving the marine environment by promoting sustainable marine industry best practices and educating seafarers, students, and the public about the need and strategies for protecting global ocean, lake, and river resources. Visit us at:
The American P&I Club is the only mutual Protection and Indemnity club operating in both North and South America and is partnered with 12 other mutual clubs in the International Group of P&I Clubs providing protection to approximately 90% of the world’s shipping. Founded in 1917, the AP&IC has established a long history of providing expert coverage. As of mid-2017, AP&IC continues to build upon the traditions of its long history. Its total tonnage stands at over 17 million gross tons for P&I risks and at about 11 million gross tons for FD&D, with gross premium income of some $85 million. For more information, visit
ESGPlus LLC is committed to enhancing corporate governance, managing commercial and operational risk, and social & environmental compliance for our clients. We work hard to ensure best practices are in action to make the client’s maritime supply chain safer and more resilient while adding to social license and social equity.